American Police Beat, Contains articles, photographs, police products and crucial information necessary for officers to perform their duties. American Police Beat is one of the most interesting, well written magazines today. It's all about the U.S. law enforcement profession with most of the articles written by the cops themselves.
Journal Of Criminal Justice, International journal intended to fill the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and academicians in the criminal justice area. Emphasis is to tie together the functioning of these elements and illustrate the effects of their interactions.
Law And Order, Designed to reach the chief executives in policing agencies with the latest information relating to their profession.
PI Magazine: Journal of Professional Investigators, Offers tips, techniques, profiles and accounts of true cases. An excellent source.
Academy News, Serves the needs of members by informing them of professional issues, upcoming forensic meetings and conferences, job opportunities, section news, and Forensic Sciences Foundation activities. An information-packed forensics journal.
Corporate Security, Bi-weekly publication written for corporate security and loss prevention executives and for those who work in related fields. Features a conference and training calendar, executive profiles, updates on management issues, a security executives forum, and more.
Corrections Compendium, For corrections professionals. Features articles, legal issue case reports, news updates and monthly surveys unique in this field.
Criminology, Devoted to crime and deviant behavior, as found in sociology, psychology, design, systems analysis, and decision theory as applied to crime and criminal justice. The major emphasis is on empirical research and scientific methodology. Interdisciplinary articles dealing with crime, deviant behavior and related phenomena as found in social and behavioral sciences and the fields of law, criminal justice and history with major emphasis on controversies concerning crime, law and justice.
Journal Of Addictions And Offender Counseling, Journal describes many treatment programs, how to set up counseling program, compares experiences of counselors in diverse settings, includes useful models, data-based research and theoretical discussions. Articles, commentary and review articles focusing on attitudes and offender counseling, prevention and treatment programs, theory and philosophy for programs with juvenile and adult rehabilitation programs.
Police Chief, The official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Reports the major advances in the administration of law enforcement agencies. Original articles by practitioners in law enforcement and related fields spanning law enforcement duties, high-risk liability issues, counterterrorism efforts, and the use of force.
Law Enforcement Technology, Management and technology information for senior law enforcement personnel and administrators. Stay on the cutting edge.
Security, Covers methods and equipment used to protect lives, property and assets from all types of risk, including internal theft, business interruption, fire, burglary, robbery, fraud, shoplifting, industrial espionage, computer crime and terrorism. The magazine for buyers of security, life safety & integrated products, systems & services in business, industry & government settings.
More TitlesAmnesty International NewsletterCorrections ForumCrime Control DigestCriminal Justice Research ReportsCriminologist MagazineDirections In Rehabilitation CounselingEmergency Preparedness NewsEncyclopedia Of World CrimeFlorida Police AdvisorForensic Drug Abuse AdvisorWomen PoliceJournal Of California Law EnforcementJournal Of Criminal Justice EducationCampus Law Enforcement JournalNarc OfficerOrganized Crime DigestPolice and FirefighterPolice Collectors NewsPolice SupervisorCrime Fighter MagazineSheriff MagazineTexas Police JournalTrue DetectiveMaster DetectiveLabels: True Crime Magazines
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